We do a lot, but no business can do everything! Read this list to make sure you’re not expecting anything from us that we don’t provide.
- We don’t read your manuscript. We may see bits of it as we’re formatting, but we don’t have time to read it.
- We don’t own your copyright. You retain the rights to all your works and you can unpublish any or all of your works at any time – just send us an email or a letter so that we have something in writing.
- We don’t sell your book in book shops. See No. 10 under What we do.
- We don’t outsource your work to anyone if you have bought a complete IndieMosh package. If you purchase an IndieMosh package, all work is completed inhouse or by engaging one of our trusted Experts.
- We don’t create your Amazon AuthorCentral page, but we do send you a link and some instructions so that you can do it yourself.
- We don’t try to upsell you. We may occasionally alert you (generally via email) to other things we can do for you, if we feel you might be interested or should consider them, but we don’t get on the phone and use pressure tactics to encourage you to buy our other products or services.
- We don’t like to ‘own’ our clients. If you’re not happy, we’re not happy. So if it’s not working for you, and we’re not able to make you happy, we don’t try to force you into staying. See No. 2 above.
- We don’t pay the cost of developing and publishing your book. We are a self publishing facilitator, not a traditional publishing company. It’s your book, so you take the financial risk of publishing. If the book takes off, then you will get most of the reward (85% minimum of net royalties). If the book doesn’t sell, then at least we’ve been paid for the work we’ve done. We’re a business, and we need to stay in business.
- We don’t market your book for you. Yes, we make announcements on social media, and we list your book(s) on IndieMosh, and we send you a list of free and reasonably inexpensive marketing ideas you can explore to promote your book, but we are not a marketing company. As a self publisher, you need to learn what works for you and your book and market accordingly.
- We don’t hang onto your royalties for three or six months. Or even a year (like some publishing facilitators do!). We pay out monthly to every author who has supplied their bank account details, and we have no minimum payment threshold.
- We don’t pay royalties via cheque. We pay direct to your Australian bank account.
- We don’t guarantee you a return on your publishing investment. We have no idea if your book will sell or not. And we have no idea if you will market your book effectively or not, so we can’t guarantee you any return at all. That being said, most authors find that if they build an online presence and work hard, that they see the results in their sales, and we’ll help you where we can – we have a Facebook page and a newsletter, so we’re happy to give a shout-out if you’re running a giveaway or landed a great news article somewhere!