Susannah Glenn

domestic noir, psychological suspense, short stories


Susannah Glenn is an Australian novelist and former journalist. Her works explore themes of domestic noir, psychological suspense, regional Australia and the complexities of contemporary life and relationships.

A lifelong lover of travel and far horizons, Susannah has called many places home. Currently, she divides her time between a farm on the mid north coast of New South Wales and city digs in Adelaide, South Australia. She is married with two children – three, including Kevin, a ridiculously handsome Australian stumpy-tail.

Her first novel, Between Husbands and Wives, is a psychological thriller that follows the story of a married couple who embark on a tree-change to far-flung Douglas Shire, the tourist capital of Far North Queensland. It is due for release in 2024.

“Susannah Glenn’s debut novel, Between Husbands and Wives, could not be more gorgeous – or more tense. She brings the world of Far North Queensland to life – and makes us deeply caring witnesses to how things will turn out for her main character, Jennifer Ashby, and her family.”

– Ginger Moran, author
(American Queen, The Body of Summer & The Algebra of Snow)



Books by Susannah Glenn

Out of the Vault

Out of the Vault

Booktopia iBooks Kindle Kobo Smashwords

Do you want to write a novel? Is your dream locked in a vault of excuses, busy-ness and fear? Out of the Vault is a short story collection that aims to inspire aspiring writers to get writing. Debut Australian novelist Susannah Glenn always planned to ‘one day’ write a novel. Finally, she did. Find out how