Benjamin Patterson
Medieval fantasy
Benjamin Patterson lives in North Queensland, Australia with his wife and four children. When not writing, working or volunteering he's battling a life-controlling addiction to sport, an addiction that his poor wife has discovered is easily passed from father to sons.
The Shadow of His Hand is Benjamin's first novel, a story he started telling more than ten years before its publication. He gave up on the book many times - literally every time he went back and read what he had written so far - but after much encouragement from friends and family he finally got it done... and the reviews are rave!
Books by Benjamin Patterson
The Guardian of Song
Kindle Smashwords
The battle for survival has begun, but Fredrick is missing. Without their prophesied saviour the Realm is doomed. The Guardian of Song continues the epic tale of the Markulian Prophecies, a story of love, destiny and sacrifice. May the true God win.
The Shadow of His Hand: Book One of the Markulian Prophecies
Kindle Smashwords
For centuries the oft forgotten Unseen God has seemed distant and uncaring, but when the Realm is threatened by the all-conquering armies from Jerika, an ancient oracle is triggered. Now this foretelling is the only hope of salvation and its fulfilment lies in the trembling hands of a reluctant soldier, a princess and an infant marked by prophecy.