fiction, satire, psychological intrigue, disaster, science fiction, fusion fiction
d’ettut is an enigma and intends to stay that way. They have no vested political interests apart from a desire to help facilitate a movement which could bring about an equitable global society. They do not aspire to any particular role in such a movement nor do they wish to gain anything financially. Their books are intended to assist in the quest to help the world gain social fairness and a global conscience with a cosmological, existential twist.
Their literary style varies. None of it is intended to be merely entertaining. It is confronting, didactic and enlightening (one hopes). They write about social justice and target youthful, very literate, Harry Potter-type readers who are now real-world savvy and, like Harry, are bursting to take on the establishment, as well as Baby Boomers; especially those who might be feeling guilty about the way civilisation has ended up under their watch.
d’ettut created a literary style called ‘fusion fiction’. Fusion fiction they define as ‘literary bisociation’, to borrow a term used by Koestler and Edward de Bono. It’s a pairing of semi fictional plots with slabs of ‘borrowed’ and authentic text taken selectively from journals relevant to their thesis with no formal quotation or referencing. d’ettut says, ‘Like Andy Warhol paintings of unacknowledged Campbell’s soup cans, this is a collage of written down ideas, a creative plagiarism to send a cerebral message.’
After decades of writing, d’ettut’s works have been focused on the ‘Century of Insanity’. Recently, 2 tomes have been created primarily for a reader-market who hasn’t been born yet. Through the lens of satire they will read about the thoughts, beliefs and aspirations of those who lived in our ‘Century of Insanity’, 1950-2050. But current generations might also be interested in learning what all ‘our’ thoughts are ‘now’.
Books by d'ettut
Infinity of Zeitgeist Doppelgängers Volume One
Amazon Angus & Robertson Booktopia
Here are four cosmic tales where names, time, places, characters, genders and plots are just shadows of the doppelgängers that inhabit an infinite number of universes where chronology is meaningless.
Yet they share the constancy of the cosmic zeitgeist. In this case the Century of Insanity 1950-2050.
This literary phenomenon starts the Australian journey from ‘good ideas’ to Global leadership … and far beyond!
The Compleat OWL - One World League: The 'Forever' Zeitgeist 1950-2050 Volume Two
Amazon Angus & Robertson
Sebastian and Virginia are the founders of OWL – a brave new political movement designed to address the iniquities of the world: political corruption, environmental destruction and overpopulation.
But while this political satire unfolds, the world’s unwitting masses are being duped by the greatest conspiracy of all, the real-life Rothschild Formula.
OWL BOOK 3: The Secret Dialogues and Thoughts Dramatised
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This book, a sequel to OWL, One World League (2017), is a political thriller and adult didactic fiction. A recent comparison title would be Salman Rushdie's Quichotte in that it picks up on 21st century zeitgeist issues, both literary and social. This devastating portrait of human folly will excite heated discussion; especially on nuclear demise!
OWL: One World League
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What if the sinister conspiracies of the world are real? The perpetrators don’t care because public scepticism of conspiracies, supported by a nefarious press, gives a shield of invisibility to the devastating realities of the conspiracies. And so the world in general is living in denial.
What if a new political party (OWL – One World League) arises, baptised in fire and, exploiting global internet capability, unravels the conspiracies? What if this novel’s author as a narrator is part of the conspiracy? What if a hero of OWL finds out that by using a literary trick she can become a narrator also? She assails the reader’s conscience, facilitates global support through the internet, and saves the world.
Vampire Cities
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Anderson Hans is presented with a strange but powerful artefact. In the deserts outside of Las Vegas he is asked to find the city of light. He searches through London, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and finally Sydney for this city that will become the venue for his apotheosis
Amber Reins Fall
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Adelaide in the 1960s and 70s. Adam Teforp stumbles through his adolescence, constantly confronted by his obsessive, materialistic father. Early days as a confused hippie give way to outlandish yet astute entrepreneurship. Adam becomes involved in a covert world of wealth and intrigue. Unknown to the public he stores nuclear waste in the barren desert of South Australia ... for a price!
Pie Square
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Pie Square is a story of the most remarkable fast food chain ever conceived. Spreading rapidly across the world, devouring its devotees, and creating enormous wealth for its owners, it not only supplies sustenance for the body, but for the mind and spirit too. Its all enveloping philosophies are moulding the youth of the world for an impending revolution that will turn global society upside down.
Kindle Smashwords
“The ultimate conspiracy – a virus released to cull the exploding world population. The ultimate in paranoia – talking animals taking over the world. Great fiction, terrifying prophecy.” Michael Wilding
“A poignant comment on society and a rich reflection of our foibles.” Peter King: Chairman Australian Heritage Commission
“Animal Farm for the new Millennium!” John Reed