Michael Burdette


Who is Michael Burdette?

With reference to being a children's author, he is unknown. Bin-A-Lake is his first published children's book. Michael has, however, written six personalised books for specific children, where they are the main character. Writing books, however, is not new to Michael. He wrote, illustrated, and successfully published two business books, 'Contemplate Your Business Navel' and 'The Fox, the Pig and the Owl'.

Having served in the South African military, Michael went on to do mechanical and industrial electronics engineering before immigrating to Australia in February 1883. From there he went on to become a business turnaround expert and from 1990 was successfully self-employed. It was during this period where his passion for writing evolved.

Michael has always been a great storyteller with many children over the years enthralled by his African tales. He has a passion for native Australian animals, birds, and critters. As a self-taught artist, Michael illustrates all his own work.

Michael is not one of those writers who are 'just having a go' at writing, he has attended various courses in children's writing through recognised education institutions in the USA, UK, and Australia.

Bin-A-Lake, first written in 2005, has taken ten years to get to the publishing stage with many iterations. It is only one story in a series and there are another five stories just waiting to be refined, honed, and published.

Rather than retiring, Michael is fiercely determined to keep working, and there is no better way to keep occupied than to write and illustrate picture books and chapter books for children.



Books by Michael Burdette



Amazon Kindle Smashwords

Is-A-Roo the Kangaroo is happily bouncing around the Australian outback roads, when along comes a road train! This original and entertaining Australian children's book will introduce your child to a host of fun and fascinating Australian animal characters such as Maggie the magpie and Gordy the goanna, as we explore Is-A-Roo's fate after that unfortunate incident with the road train!