Tony Pritchard
memoir, travel, erotica, psychological
Tony Pritchard was born in Dubbo, New South Wales, in 1952. He is still alive. He was educated on the Darling River and next to a rainforest. He is a poor but honest man, and although continually busy with canoe trips, still makes time to annoy primary school students. He wants to be a writer when he grows up. Refer to
Books by Tony Pritchard
Tony Pritchard on the Darling gift pack
There are love stories, and then there are love stories. Tony Pritchard's love for Australia's Darling River cannot be underestimated. If Drifting Down the Darling is a little too much for one landlubber to contemplate, then these less intimidating volumes of Tony's adventures on the Darling will surely help you find out what's so special about one of our iconic rivers and why it's so important that we all understand that importance.
Take a couple of trips down the Darling with Tony in this great little gift pack, perfect for naturalists, canoeists and kayakers, adventurers and lovers of life in general:
Canoeing down the Darling
Kindle Smashwords
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to canoe down the Darling River in western New South Wales? Canoeing down the Darling is the story of eight trips in a 15-foot canoe between 2013 and 2017. Tony Pritchard brings us his baggage, his crazy bird observations and humanity blended with truth and idiotic humour.
Paddling Down the Darling
Kindle Smashwords
In the 1970s I had drifted down the Darling River in western New South Wales. An eighteen month trip in a ten-foot boat with no motor. I had adventure, found love, and experienced a personal awakening (sometimes referred to as a breakdown). Then in 2010 I returned to the Darling, and just in case I missed something, I did the same trip in 2012 and in 2013.
Drifting Down the Darling
Kindle Smashwords
Drifting down the Darling can best be described as the incoherent thoughts of a traveller who will use any excuse to put a boat onto the Darling River and then write crazy stories about birds. Do not listen to anything he says about Australian birds-none of his observations are based on skill, truth, or even reality.