AJ Elksnis

science fiction, action and adventure, crime and mystery


I am a part-time postie, part-time author, all-of-the-time pop culture fan.

In my first Enter Portal book, Portal to Liberty, I touch on sustainability, and I do try to practice what I -in a fisticuffs, exciting way- preach. I live off grid. Solar panels and batteries power my home, out here in the country, where I can write in peace and quiet.



Books by AJ Elksnis

Portal to Liberty

Portal to Liberty

Amazon Kindle Smashwords

In a world of space travel, alliance with alien beings and travel between parallel universes, Lana must learn to adapt and develop her special abilities. Sabre Company have returned to exact retribution upon Rachel Navara and the Universal Community. Lana and Rachel must fight back, before Sabre Company wreaks havoc on the entire galaxy