John Heyworth

Fiction, Contemporary, Australian Life,


John Heyworth is an author of general fiction. He writes about life; realistic characters in Australian settings.

John Heyworth resides in the port city of Fremantle, Western Australia. Although born in Salford, UK, John’s first words were Arabic when he was a toddler living with his parents in Sudan. A year later, he was baptized in the Communist Workers Party hall in Manchester, England, before being transported to Australia. While happy for his books to be enjoyed between the covers, he wishes to reassure the reader that they are not necessarily red under the bed.



Books by John Heyworth

The Cowrie Shell

The Cowrie Shell

Amazon Kindle Smashwords

Jackie Taylor found a lucky shell on the beach. Was she wise to give it to a man with secret desires? ‘Beware of men who drink,’ her mother warned and Jackie was determined to listen to her advice. But she hadn’t seen the signs. Set in Western Australia, this is a poignant tale of a woman in a heartbreaking relationship.

A Cat Among the McIvers

A Cat Among the McIvers

Amazon Kindle Smashwords

A pet robot, an ambitious wife and a free-spirited artist was more than Michael McIver could handle. He was happily married to Melissa—until he met Julieta. Melissa uncovered a betrayal and Michael was caught between one’s fury and another’s non-committal. This is a story of how forgiveness enabled him to find true love.